Everyone is invited to meet with the deacons and pastors for a time of prayer each Sunday at 9:15 a.m.

Contribution statements – Please sign the sheet in the foyer of either building if you would like to have a contribution statement of your tithes and offerings for 2014.
Prayer chain e-mail list – Please contact Margaret Hart if you would like to be added to the church e-mail list. This list is used to send out prayer requests and updates.
Prayer requests – Beginning on February 22, prayer requests will appear on the screens at the end of the morning worship service. Please give a short written request to the person at the soundboard before the beginning of the service.

Sunday, February 22

Special music:


Morning – Steve Jackson
Evening – Hillary Belknap
World Missions Day – Sunday, February 22, is World Missions Day. A special offering will be taken for support of all BMMA missionaries around the world. Everyone is encouraged to pick up a 2015 prayer calendar,  which gives information on our missionaries and prayer requests for their work.
Prayer requests – Beginning on February 22, prayer requests will appear on the screens at the end of the morning worship service. Please give a short written request to the person at the soundboard before the beginning of the service.





 Saturday, February 21

Wedding shower – There will be a  couples’ wedding shower  at the church on Saturday, February 21 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. for Blayne Lewis and Lacey Davis. Lacey and Blayne are registered at Bed, Bath, and Beyond and at Target.
Youth bowling – Saturday, February 21, at 5:00 p.m. Please contact Sean Belknap for more information on this event and  on other youth activities.


Sunday, February 15

Special music:

Morning – Kathy Serrato 
Evening – Beverly Nelson
Contemporary worship service – At 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, February 15, there will be a contemporary worship service in the gym; this service will feature contemporary music and a less formal atmosphere than the traditional service, which will begin in the sanctuary at 10:50 a.m. as usual. Chris Hamilton will bring the message for the contemporary service.


Thursday, February 12

Pot blessing luncheon – Everyone is invited to bring a covered dish and join us for fellowship, fun, and food beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 12.

Sunday, February 8

Special music:

Morning – adult choir
Evening – Buddye King

Mission trip luncheon – Lunch will be served immediately after the morning worship service on February 8. The menu will include Mexican casserole and unstuffed bell pepper casserole with green beans, bread, salad, and stuffed jalapeños. Donations to benefit this summer’s mission trip will be accepted at this event.

Saturday, February 7

 Friendship class party – The Friendship class will have a “pot luck” valentines party at 12:00 p.m.  noon on Saturday, February 7.

Tuesday, February 3

Home Bible study – On Tuesday, February 3, the first meeting of the home Bible study group will take place at the home of Mark and Cheryl Cox, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Sunday, February 1

Special music:

Morning – Dale Brand
Evening – Lydia Bailey
Youth Super Bowl party – Sunday, February 1, at 5:00 p.m. at Cici’s Pizza. Please contact Sean Belknap for details.




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